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What aspects will cause obesity the most?

— feeling amazing

                    What aspects will cause obesity the most?
        The term obesity academically can be defined as a human body with weight that greater than 30 per cent above a standard criterion which is based on a specific body mass index (BMI). And overweight people tends to be more vulnerably attacked by cancer and disease than individuals with relatively slim physique which is the reason why the solution is worth to be made in order to handle the problem of obesity .Why would obesity arises among somebody rather than any other individuals ? Gene (embracing ethic and racial aspects and difference in gender) is generally considered to have significant influence on human's physique, as a result, it can be one of the most essential origination that lead to overweight.
          In the first stage, it is generally endorsed that the Gene is intimately connected with family that is why overweight and obesity tend to run in family members. One theory reveals that your body tries to manage your weight within a specific range, called a set point which seems to be altered by your geneticmakeup.However, your actual weight is closely associatedwith your lifestyle or environment which means the set point adjusts to a new level when it is stabilized over time and can be override by overeating, exercise, medication, diet and mental conditions. In particular, one noticeable trait is that children adopt the habit and diet of their parents that eat high-calorie foods and are inactive. For those family members usually sharing similar lifestyle with poor eating habit influences dramatically in the future and gives rise to heavy physique. Additionally , the inactivity of people live around is possibly interrupt the ambition of losing weight by motivating deleterious amusement and makes keeping fit inaccessible .Apart from the influence of life style ,Some genetic disease run in the family has high risk of causing obesity and takes the probability of accompanying several generation, for instance ,Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and some hormone problems(underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), Cushing's syndrome, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).) To be more specific, Hormones regulate processes in our body , namely, the hormones leptin and insulin, sex hormones and growth hormone influence our hunger, the rate at which our ability to burns energy, in kilojoules, named metabolism, and body fatness distribution. People who are bulky have levels of these elements that lead to abnormal metabolism and the accumulation of stored fat. In addition, a system of the endocrine system, install hormones into our bloodstream and works with the nervous system and the immune system to help our body address different events and anxiety. Hormones can lead to obesity when they are either an excess or scarcity.
          Moreover, how does Gene itself lead to overweight? One of the majorities should be mentioned is that the function of particular categories of Genes stimulate appetite, and individuals who have stored substantial amount of those cells might be relatively easier to get hungry and thus increase the food intake Furthermore, another feature of genes in body is to affect the amount of fat you store, researches indicate that approximately 40-70% of the disparity between individuals with respect to storage of fatness can be attributed to genetics and the ability of distribution of energy,likewise, the effectiveness of exercise and keeping fit. General speaking, physical activities aid to balance the conservation and conversion of nutrient absorbed into fat and function as calorie with efficiency varies with every single individual ,for instance ,some people consume calories effectively owing to their few need of energy to fuel the body, which can result in residue of calories being stored as fat. Other people use calories less efficiently due to theirabundant demand ofcalories, so there are fewer leftover. Once those cells have accumulated carbohydrate and exceeded protein as fatness, human bodies tend to put on weight Thus, it results in the reality that for some people, weight-loss seems especially challenging.
        The effects of lifestyle ,environment or diet which is likely to cause obesecitizens is significantly refers to the gene ,consequently , genes can be advocated as one of the most essential element of reason why some citizens are easily get fat or get more challenging on losing weight. Ultimately , the support provided by family and reasonable confine on food intake efficiently help to tackle the dilemma of the substantial proportion of folks with bulky physique .
     As-B Renee

-weightwatchers. / Genes and Weight
-livestrong.com/article/ genetics-weight-loss
- usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2013-08/06/content
- nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/obe/causes
- hormone.org/questions-and-answers/2010/hormones-and-obesity

What aspects will cause obesity the most?

— feeling what?!?

Thesis statement:


Gene(including ethnic and racial aspects and gender) can be one of the most essential elements that causes obesity .Apart from this ,environment ,diet and life style also leads to obesity but not as direct and effective as gene.




-factors of obesity:


  1. http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/adult/causes.html
  2. http://www.nature.com/ijo/journal/v27/n3/full/0802237a.html
  3. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/obe/causes
  4. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/obesity/basics/risk-factors/CON-20014834
  5. http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Obesity/Pages/Causes.aspx
  6. http://obesity.ygoy.com/environment-causes-obesity/
  7. http://www.womenfitness.net/top10_factors_obesity.htm
  8. -measurement of obesity(BMI):
  9. http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/72/5/1074.long
  10. -obesity in different countries
  11. http://frac.org/initiatives/hunger-and-obesity/obesity-in-the-us/
  12. http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/Pages/overweight-obesity-statistics.aspx


  1. http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2013-08/06/content_16872878.htm


What causes obesity the most?

— feeling what?!?



A.What aspects will cause obesity the most ?


B.The term obesity  generally can be defined as a human body with weight that greater than 30 per cent above a standard criterion which is based on a specific body mass index(BMI).  And overweight people tends to be more vulnerably attacked by cancer and disease than individuals with relatively slim physique , So the solution is worth to be made in order to handle the problem of obesity .



C.Gene is generally considered to have significant influence on human's physique ,as a result , it can be one of the most essential causes that lead to obesity.There are several elements can also be argued refers to gene,for instance ,ethic and racial aspects and difference in gender .


PART2:Main Body


A:The Gene is intimately related to family, that is why overweight and obesity tend to run in family members:

1:Children adopt the habit and diet of  their parents that eat high-calorie foods and are inactive.(Family members usually share similar lifestyle).The poor eating habit influences dramatically in the future.

2:Some genetic diease run in the family that has high risk of causing obesity,for instance ,Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and some hormone problems(underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), Cushing's syndrome, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).)

3.Effects of family on losing weight:

B:How does Gene itself lead to  overweight?

1:Some Genes stimulate appetite ,and people are easily to gat hungry and thus incriease the food intake

2:The genes in  body may affect the amount of fat you store and the ability of distribution of energy.

3.Genetic elements influcence the effectiveness of exercise and keeping fit.


PART3 :Conclusion

The effects of lifestle ,environment or diet which is likely to cause people obeses is significantly refers to the gene ,consequently , genes can be argued as one of the most essential element of reason why some citizens are easily get fat or get more challenging on losing weight.

Source: http://www.womenfitness.net/top10_factors_obesity.htm

AS-B attitudes towards high school

— feeling amazing

  Recently,I engaged in a survey about my classmates' attitudes towards our school . There  appears to have several distinct thoughts among them :

  One of my friend A who enjoys her school life a lot tend to regard our class as a good place to meet new people and have great oppotunity to make more friends .For my point of view, I do agree with her .Since I hold the believe that our school  just likes a small-size society ,especially for teenagers at the age around 17 like us who  prepare to enter the community .

  However ,there are some opinions occur that oppose us indeed . For student B, she claims that the school exerts too much burden of study on her and she becomes less likely to have spare time to organize things that she fonds of  .Moreover ,students C reveals the fact that there always lacks of hot water for us to take shower,especially in girls' dormitory and it did bring lots of nuisance to us to find water elsewhere.



What will the world look like in 20 to 50 years?

— feeling amazing
The Future: An Owner's Manual: What the World Will Look Like in the 21st Century and Beyond - Robert Pondiscio

It attracts me by its new point of view of prediction of our world. I search the same content that relevant to this on the internet .Here are some source





Source: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2011/jan/02/25-predictions-25-years